Helicopter Cargo Mod for DCS

"Cargo Object" Mod created for DCS with Blender and Substance Painter

Fully functional "Cargo Object" in-game, hooked by Mi-8 Helicopter.

Fully functional "Cargo Object" in-game, hooked by Mi-8 Helicopter.

Here the Cargo in Blender ready to be exported to DCS game engine.

Here the Cargo in Blender ready to be exported to DCS game engine.

"Cargo Object" Mod created for DCS.

After so many years of lighting, I am enjoying my "Break" and focusing on one of the things I always liked also; Surfacing and Videogame Modification.

The biggest problem is that you need first a model with UVs and nice normals... So all around practice with Blender, Modeling, and so on, it is good for me. As an old Softimage 3D and XSI user, today my favorite 3D software is by far... Blender. As I like to say: "Blender is the future, now!" :]

Modeled and Exported to DCS with Blender. Surfacing with Substance Painter.
Here some in-game footage: https://youtu.be/xDEddHT8ON4

My DCS Modifications do far...

Blender 2.8 EDM Tutorial Playlist:

*Very neat options in Sketchfab for model representation; lights, env maps, post effects... Really impressive.

June 14, 2020